Campaign Trail

Council Decision 13th March 2013

Basically the Conservative and Labour groups did a deal and voted the closures through, with the following conditions:-

“RESOLVED That this Council:

(a) acknowledges the public opinion of the petition around the proposals to modernise day opportunities for people with learning disabilities and notes the decision made at Cabinet on the 15 January to develop tailored and flexible personal care to support people with learning disabilities to live fulfilled and independent lives through smaller specialist centres and community based support; and

(b) calls on the Cabinet to ensure, during the transition period for the modernisation of day opportunities for people with learning disabilities, that regular six monthly reports are submitted to the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee for members to monitor outcomes for this vulnerable client group including all those who presently use Staffordshire County Council run day centres.”

The on line and paper petition has been successful, a big thank you to everyone who supported us.
The County Council now has to debate their decision again, this meeting is scheduled to take place on 13th March 10 am at county buildings Stafford. More details to follow.

St. Luke’s Church Cannock

We have booked St. Luke’s Church rooms for Saturday 1st February starting at 11 am, it’s important at this stage we meet together for an update.
Tea and coffee will be available from the church coffee bar. Please spread the word about the meeting.

Great to see so many people at our meeting on Saturday and your belief in our cause was uplifting.

Cannock Town Centre Protest Saturday 11th January
Tremendous response to the protest in Cannock nearly 80 people turned out on a cold day and enthusiastically promoted our cause, thanks to everyone. Thanks also to the public for their complete support, they were appalled by what the council intend to do, the police for marshalling and St. Luke’s Church for a warm welcome on a cold day.

Following a number of meetings and a subsequent public meeting on the 16th October attended by 80 people where we expressed our views of day services, we made this formal submission to be included in the consultation process on behalf of the parent/carers and people with learning difficulties in the Cannock Chase area we represent.