Strategy News

As part of the Strategy, Parents, Carers and Providers were invited to have one to one meetings with council officers late 2018.

This link is the feedbcak PDF from those meetings FEEDBACK

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Over the past few months Staffordshire’s Adult Learning Disability (ALD) 2022 Community Offer Programme has been engaging with people who attend services, their carers and relatives, and a range of other stakeholders including SCC staff and providers of services in the marketplace.  The purpose of this engagement was to understand:

1.         What do the current Day Opportunities for Adults with a Learning Disability and / or Autism look like?

2.         What outcomes and goals does the Programme need to deliver?

3.         What do all the possible future options look like?  Do these options help us to achieve our outcomes and goals?

We will be presenting the feedback and findings we have gathered so far to Cabinet on 16th January 2019, alongside all of the possible future options that have been identified during the course of the programme (as per legal advice).  We will be seeking permission from Cabinet to engage with all key stakeholders to understand what they think of the options we have outlined (including our thoughts on how viable they are), and the impact on them.

Our plan is to return to Cabinet in April 2019 with the feedback from this engagement, so a decision can be made about Staffordshire’s future Day Opportunities Offer.

Subject to Cabinet approval, we will be in touch with you in late January 2019 to let you know how you can get involved and have your say on the options.

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us by telephone on: 01785 278989 or via email to: